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You Need The Who Deleted Me Browser Extension

To view this page you need to add the Who Deleted Me browser extension to your browser.

You can get the browser extension from our home page:

Get The Extension

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We've Updated Who Deleted Me

Who Deleted Me version 3 has just been released. This is a big update which fixes issues with syncing friends and improves the performance and privacy of Who Deleted Me.

Version 3 of the Who Deleted Me Browser Extension for Google Chrome is available now from the Chrome Web Store. The Firefox version is still in the works and will be released shortly.

If you haven't updated yet we reccomend updating to resolve any errors you may be seeing with the old version.

New! Who Deleted Me is now more private than ever. Your friend data never leaves your computer! All of your friends are now stored within the browser extension and are never sent to our servers, making Who Deleted Me faster and more secure.

If you have used Who Deleted Me before your previous friend data is still available and will be synced to your computer when you first use version 3. After that any old data will be deleted from our servers and all new data remains only on your computer.

Friend list icon

Your friend list is saved the first time you use Who Deleted Me.

Compare friend list icon

When you come back, your current friend list is compared to the saved version.

Deleted user icon

That means we can show you who deleted you.

5 Posts That Will Get You Unfriended

sm3 Have you been unfriended and wondering why? Maybe your status didn't go down well with your friends. If you're looking to lose a lot of friends on social media give these a try. 1. All you busy stay-at-home moms complaining about how much stuff you have to do sure send a lot of game requests. 2. I'm voting for Trump to keep our worthless troops in Iraq for 100 more years. 3. *Game of Thrones* spoilers. 4. Attention, I have recently decided to get to know all of you better. Be...

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